PICARD has done it again and wrested new fields of application from the world’s oldest tool. The new hammer type that has now been presented is a symbiosis of the European roofing hammer and the American claw hammer. As usual with PICARD, this innovation too gives top priority to user value:

Nails can now simply be accommodated better in tight niches and levered vigorously. In this respect, the new hammers have a clear advantage over the roofing hammer with a peen – when picking up the nails and when levering – and over the strongly curved claw hammer – when levering.

Carpenters, roofers, formworkers and construction workers in particular can be pleased about that, but other workers of various kinds will also know how to make use of its advantages.

The new hammer type is forged by Picard in a long-handled (FRAMING HAMMER) and a short-handled (RIP HAMMER) variant. Both variants are offered in combined form with leather and 2K handle. The two FRAMING HAMMERS have already been tested by the trade journal Motor & Maschine and achieved an outstanding score of 1.3.

Rip_Framing_Hammer_by_PICARD_en.pdf — [938,2 kb]